Monday, September 12, 2011


well now that my favorite season is over i'm starting to have withdrawals from the pools and the snow cones. every year i dread when school starts because it just means that the weather is going to get COLD and i truly hate the cold more then anything. scraping my windows in the morning, having to wear a thousand layers and still not being warm enough while walking around campus - its just not really my thing.
however, today i was thinking about all the marvelous things that i can do during this lovely fall season and now its making this season seem a little better then i thought!
with fall comes a new semester - something that we most of the time don't look forward to but this year i really was excited to start school. i'm getting close to graduating and all my classes this semester are ones that i am finding to be very interesting and so its made it a lot easier.
with fall comes school shopping - does this really need any explanation other then getting new clothes always always makes you feel better??
with fall comes the fair - i absolutely love going to the fair. everything about it too. the animals, the rides, the games, the funnel cakes, the shops. the fair can be fun at any age and i want to make sure and at least go a few times this year.
with fall comes the changing of the leaves - even though i am totally a summer girl, i can't deny that the fall time is sure beautiful with all the different color leaves and being able to look into the mountains to see all the trees changing colors is a very wonderful site.
with fall comes football games - i am a big fan of utah football and i have season tickets as a muss member! i love dressing up in red, going to the games and cheering my team on. win or lose i still have a blast
with fall comes my races - i run a half marathon on october 16 and then a ragnar on october 21. i am currently taking a marathon training class to help me get ready to run my little heart out!
with fall comes haunted houses and halloween - with halloween being one of my favorite holidays, i get very excited for all the festivities that come with it! corn mazes, haunted houses and dressing up are all some of the most fun you can have! still trying to decide what i should be this year! any fun ideas?? throw them this way :)
with fall comes making new friends - because of all my new classes with all different people, you are always bound to creating some new friendships with the people you work with in class.
with fall comes pumpkins - pumpkins to carve, pumpkins to decorate, pumpkin seeds to eat and pumpkin flavored everything! i always enjoy a yummy pumpkin chocolate chip cookie.

i'm going to try very hard this year to enjoy all the other seasons a little more because its no fun dreaming of summer for 9 months out of the year when i could appreciate the whole entire year just as much! :)

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