Sunday, April 24, 2011

love/hate relationship

its warming up and i couldn't be more thrilled about it. i absolutely hate the winter and i am always always looking forward to the summer time.

the only problem i have right now is the SPIDERS are starting to come into my house. UGHH worst thing ever. i have seen like 8 spiders in the last few weeks and its driving me crazy only because i am terrified of those creepy little crawlers.

when i see one i usually have a freak out moment. then i calm myself and put a lid or a cup over it (so i dont have to look at it anymore) and wait for davis to come over and smash it for me.

so as much as i LOVE summer. i hate the spiders that come with it.

this is kinda what the spiders look like that are making their new home in my house. when i was looking up the pictures on google, i came across one of a black widow and i honestly think i would die if i ever ran into one. ewww spidersss :(

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